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Cisco C3600 IOS Image .bin File: What You Need to Know Before Upgrading

What is Cisco C3600 IOS Image .bin File?

If you are a network administrator or a network engineer who works with Cisco routers, you might have encountered the term Cisco C3600 IOS image .bin file. But what does it mean? What is it used for? How can you upgrade it? How can you verify it? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain what Cisco IOS is, what Cisco 3600 series is, what Cisco IOS image file is, how to upgrade it using different methods, and how to verify it after upgrading. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of Cisco C3600 IOS image .bin file and how to work with it.

cisco c3600 ios image .bin file

What is Cisco IOS?

Cisco IOS stands for Cisco Internetwork Operating System. It is a software that runs on most Cisco routers and switches. It provides the basic functions for network devices, such as routing, switching, security, management, and so on. It also supports various protocols and features that enable network communication and connectivity.

Cisco IOS has several advantages over other operating systems for network devices. Some of them are:

  • It is modular and scalable. It allows you to choose different feature sets and versions according to your needs and preferences.

  • It is reliable and secure. It has built-in mechanisms for error detection, recovery, encryption, authentication, [Continuing the article] and authorization.

  • It is flexible and customizable. It allows you to configure and modify various parameters and settings according to your network requirements and preferences.

  • It is compatible and interoperable. It supports various standards and protocols that enable communication and integration with other network devices and systems.

Cisco IOS is constantly updated and improved by Cisco to provide better performance, functionality, security, and compatibility. Cisco releases new versions of Cisco IOS periodically, which contain new features, bug fixes, enhancements, and patches. You can check the latest Cisco IOS releases and download them from the Cisco website.

What is Cisco 3600 Series?

Cisco 3600 series is a family of modular, multiservice access routers that provide flexible LAN and WAN configurations, multiple security options, voice and data integration, and a range of high-performance processors. Cisco 3600 series routers are designed for small to medium-sized businesses, branch offices, and service providers who need a versatile, reliable, and scalable platform for their network solutions.

Cisco 3600 series routers have several benefits over other routers. Some of them are:

  • They are modular and expandable. They have multiple slots for network modules, interface cards, voice modules, and WAN interface cards that allow you to add or change network interfaces and services as your needs grow and change.

  • They are multiservice and multifunctional. They support various services and functions, such as routing, switching, firewall, VPN, voice over IP (VoIP), dial access, ISDN, ATM, Frame Relay, and so on.

  • They are cost-effective and efficient. They provide high-performance processing, high-speed switching, high-capacity memory, low power consumption, and reduced cabling costs.

  • They are easy to install and manage. They have a simple and intuitive user interface, a comprehensive set of management tools, and a rich set of diagnostic and troubleshooting features.

Cisco 3600 series routers include three models: Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, and Cisco 3640. Each model has different specifications and capabilities. Let's take a look at each of them in more detail.

Cisco 3631

Cisco 3631 is a compact, integrated router that provides two fixed LAN ports (one 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port and one token ring port), two WAN interface card slots, one network module slot, one Advanced Integration Module (AIM) slot, one voice interface card slot, and one internal service module slot. It supports up to 128 MB of DRAM and 32 MB of flash memory. It has a single power supply and a single fan. It can be rack-mounted or wall-mounted.

Cisco 3631 is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses and branch offices that need secure Internet access, VPN connectivity, VoIP services, dial access services, or integrated switching services. It can handle up to 60 Kpps (thousands of packets per second) of routing performance and up to 4 Mbps of encryption performance. It can support up to 60 concurrent VPN tunnels and up to 48 voice channels.

Cisco 3660

Cisco 3660 is a high-performance, modular router that provides six network module slots, two AIM slots, two voice interface card slots, one internal service module slot, [Continuing the article] and two 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports. It supports up to 256 MB of DRAM and 32 MB of flash memory. It has dual power supplies and dual fans. It can be rack-mounted or stacked.

Cisco 3660 is ideal for medium to large-sized businesses and service providers that need high-speed Internet access, VPN connectivity, VoIP services, dial access services, or integrated switching services. It can handle up to 100 Kpps of routing performance and up to 20 Mbps of encryption performance. It can support up to 800 concurrent VPN tunnels and up to 192 voice channels.

Cisco 3640

Cisco 3640 is a mid-range, modular router that provides four network module slots, one AIM slot, one voice interface card slot, one internal service module slot, and one 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port. It supports up to 128 MB of DRAM and 32 MB of flash memory. It has a single power supply and a single fan. It can be rack-mounted or stacked.

Cisco 3640 is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses and service providers that need secure Internet access, VPN connectivity, VoIP services, dial access services, or integrated switching services. It can handle up to 70 Kpps of routing performance and up to 8 Mbps of encryption performance. It can support up to 400 concurrent VPN tunnels and up to 96 voice channels.

What is Cisco IOS Image File?

Cisco IOS image file is a file that contains the Cisco IOS software that runs on a Cisco router or switch. It is stored in the flash memory or the boot ROM of the device. It is loaded into the RAM when the device boots up and executes from there.

Cisco IOS image file has a specific format that consists of three parts: a header, a compressed image, and a footer. The header contains information such as the file name, the file size, the checksum, and the magic number. The compressed image contains the actual Cisco IOS software code that is compressed using a proprietary algorithm. The footer contains information such as the image type, the platform type, the feature set, and the version number.

Types of Cisco IOS Image Files

There are two types of Cisco IOS image files: bin file and tar file. Bin file is a binary file that contains only the compressed image part of the Cisco IOS image file format. Tar file is a compressed archive file that contains the bin file and other files such as HTML files, configuration files, and license files.

The main difference between bin file and tar file is that bin file can be copied directly to the flash memory or the boot ROM of the device, while tar file needs to be extracted first before copying the bin file to the flash memory or the boot ROM of the device. Bin file is faster and simpler to use, while tar file is more convenient and flexible to use.

How to Identify Cisco IOS Image Files

Cisco IOS image files have a naming convention that indicates various information about them. The naming convention is as follows:

cisco-platform-feature-set-version.bin or cisco-platform-feature-set-version.tar


  • cisco is the vendor name.

  • platform is the device model or series name.

  • feature-set is the set of features and functions that are supported by the Cisco IOS image file.

  • version is the version number of the Cisco IOS image file.

  • .bin or .tar is the file extension that indicates the type of Cisco IOS image file.

For example, c3600-is-mz.123-26.bin is a bin file for Cisco 3600 series routers that supports IP routing and security features and has a version number of 12.3(26). c3600-js-mz.123-26.tar is a tar file for Cisco 3600 series routers that supports IP routing, security, and voice features and has a version number of 12.3(26).

How to Upgrade Cisco IOS Image File?

Upgrading Cisco IOS image file is an important task for network administrators and engineers who want to keep their network devices updated with the latest features, bug fixes, enhancements, and patches. Upgrading Cisco IOS image file can improve the performance, functionality, security, and compatibility of network devices.

There are different methods for upgrading Cisco IOS image file depending on the type of Cisco IOS image [Continuing the article] file, the source of the Cisco IOS image file, and the destination of the Cisco IOS image file. In this section, we will discuss three common methods for upgrading Cisco IOS image file: using TFTP server, using FTP server, and using archive command.

Using TFTP Server

TFTP stands for Trivial File Transfer Protocol. It is a simple and lightweight protocol that allows you to transfer files between network devices. It is commonly used for transferring Cisco IOS image files from a TFTP server to a Cisco router or switch.

To use TFTP server to upgrade Cisco IOS image file, you need to have a TFTP server software installed and running on a computer that is connected to the same network as the Cisco router or switch. You also need to have the Cisco IOS image file that you want to upgrade stored in the TFTP server directory. Then, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect to the Cisco router or switch using a console cable or a telnet session.

  • Enter the privileged EXEC mode by typing enable and entering the password if prompted.

  • Enter the global configuration mode by typing configure terminal.

  • Specify the IP address of the TFTP server by typing ip tftp source-interface interface, where interface is the name of the interface that is connected to the TFTP server.

  • Exit the global configuration mode by typing end.

  • Copy the Cisco IOS image file from the TFTP server to the flash memory of the device by typing copy tftp flash.

  • Enter the IP address of the TFTP server when prompted.

  • Enter the name of the Cisco IOS image file when prompted.

  • Enter the name of the destination file when prompted or press Enter to accept the default name.

  • Wait for the file transfer to complete.

  • Verify that the Cisco IOS image file has been copied successfully by typing show flash.

  • Reload the device to activate the new Cisco IOS image file by typing reload.

Using FTP Server

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a standard and widely used protocol that allows you to transfer files between network devices. It is more secure and reliable than TFTP, but it requires authentication and more configuration. It is also used for transferring Cisco IOS image files from an FTP server to a Cisco router or switch.

To use FTP server to upgrade Cisco IOS image file, you need to have an FTP server software installed and running on a computer that is connected to the same network as the Cisco router or switch. You also need to have an FTP account with username and password that can access the Cisco IOS image file that you want to upgrade stored in the FTP server directory. Then, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect to the Cisco router or switch using a console cable or a telnet session.

  • Enter the privileged EXEC mode by typing enable and entering the password if prompted.

  • Enter the global configuration mode by typing configure terminal.

  • Specify the IP address of the FTP server by typing ip ftp source-interface interface, where interface is [Continuing the article] the name of the interface that is connected to the FTP server.

  • Specify the username and password of the FTP account by typing ip ftp username username and ip ftp password password, where username and password are the credentials of the FTP account.

  • Exit the global configuration mode by typing end.

  • Copy the Cisco IOS image file from the FTP server to the flash memory of the device by typing copy ftp flash.

  • Enter the IP address of the FTP server when prompted.

  • Enter the username and password of the FTP account when prompted.

  • Enter the name of the Cisco IOS image file when prompted.

  • Enter the name of the destination file when prompted or press Enter to accept the default name.

  • Wait for the file transfer to complete.

  • Verify that the Cisco IOS image file has been copied successfully by typing show flash.

  • Reload the device to activate the new Cisco IOS image file by typing reload.

Using Archive Command

The archive command is a Cisco IOS command that allows you to extract files from a compressed archive file, such as a tar file, to a specified destination, such as a flash memory. It is a convenient and easy way to upgrade Cisco IOS image file from a tar file without using a TFTP or FTP server.

To use archive command to upgrade Cisco IOS image file, you need to have the Cisco IOS image file in a tar format stored in a flash memory or a USB drive that is connected to the Cisco router or switch. Then, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect to the Cisco router or switch using a console cable or a telnet session.

  • Enter the privileged EXEC mode by typing enable and entering the password if prompted.

  • Extract the Cisco IOS image file from the tar file to the flash memory of the device by typing archive tar /xtract source destination, where source is the path and name of the tar file and destination is the path and name of the flash memory.

  • Wait for the extraction to complete.

  • Verify that the Cisco IOS image file has been extracted successfully by typing show flash.

  • Reload the device to activate the new Cisco IOS image file by typing reload.

How to Verify Cisco IOS Image File?

After upgrading Cisco IOS image file, it is important to verify that the new Cisco IOS image file is working properly and has no errors or corruption. There are two common ways to verify Cisco IOS image file: using show version command and using verify command.

Using Show Version Command

The show version command is a Cisco IOS command that displays information about [Continuing the article] the Cisco IOS software and hardware of the device, such as the Cisco IOS image file name, the Cisco IOS image file size, the Cisco IOS image file checksum, the Cisco IOS image file version, the device model, the device serial number, the device uptime, and so on.

To use show version command to verify Cisco IOS image file, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect to the Cisco router or switch using a console cable or a telnet session.

  • Enter the privileged EXEC mode by typing enable and entering the password if prompted.

  • Type show version and press Enter.

  • Check the output and look for the following information:

  • The Cisco IOS image file name should match the name of the Cisco IOS image file that you upgraded.

  • The Cisco IOS image file size should match the size of the Cisco IOS image file that you upgraded.

  • The Cisco IOS image file checksum should match the checksum of the Cisco IOS image file that you upgraded. The checksum is a hexadecimal number that is calculated based on the content of the Cisco IOS image file. It is used to detect any errors or corruption in the Cisco IOS image file.

  • The Cisco IOS image file version should match the version of the Cisco IOS image file that you upgraded. The version is a number that indicates the release and feature set of the Cisco IOS image file.

  • If any of the information does not match, it means that there is a problem with the Cisco IOS image file or the upgrade process. You should try to upgrade again or contact Cisco technical support for assistance.

Using Verify Command

The verify command is a Cisco IOS command that verifies the integrity of a file stored in a flash memory or a boot ROM of the device. It calculates and compares the checksum of the file with the checksum stored in the header of the file. It also checks for any errors or corruption in the file.

To use verify command to verify Cisco IOS image file, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect to the Cisco router or switch using a console cable or a telnet session.

  • Enter the privileged EXEC mode by typing enable and entering the password if prompted.

  • Type verify flash:filename or verify bootflash:filename, where filename is [Continuing the article] the name of the Cisco IOS image file that you want to verify. The flash: or bootflash: prefix indicates the location of the file in the flash memory or the boot ROM of the device.

  • Press Enter and wait for the verification to complete.

  • Check the output and look for the following information:

  • The calculated checksum should match the stored checksum. The checksum is a hexadecimal number that is calculated based on the content of the Cisco IOS image file. It is used to detect any errors or corruption in the Cisco IOS image file.

  • The verification result should be OK. This means that the Cisco IOS image file is intact and has no errors or corruption.

  • If any of the information does not match or the verification result is not OK, it means that there is a problem with the Cisco IOS image file or the flash memory or the boot ROM of the device. You should try to copy or upgrade again or contact Cisco technical support for assistance.


In this article, we have learned what Cisco C3600 IOS image .bin file is, what Cisco IOS is, what Cisco 3600 series is, what Cisco IOS image file is, how to upgrade it using different methods, and how to verify it after upgrading. We have also seen some examples of Cisco IOS image file names and their meanings. We hope that this article has helped you to understand and work with Cisco C3600 IOS image .bin file better.

Here are some key points to remember from this article:

  • Cisco C3600 IOS image .bin file is a file that contains the Cisco IOS software that runs on a Cisco 3600 series router.

  • Cisco IOS is a software that provides the basic functions for network devices, such as routing, switching, security, management, and so on.

  • Cisco 3600 series is a family of modular, multiservice access routers that provide flexible LAN and WAN configurations, multiple security options, voice and data integration, and a range of high-performance processors.

Cisco IOS image file is a file t


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